元智大學資訊傳播學系 誠徵專任教師

  1. 需求職別:誠徵助理教授以上師資
  2. 名額:1名
  3. 起聘日期:自114年2月1日起聘
  4. 資格:具教育部認可之國內外相關領域博士學位以上且具備英語授課能力者。
  5. 專長:資訊科技與媒體設計相關領域包括多媒體技術、人工智慧生成內容、互動遊戲、虛擬實境∕擴增實境(AR∕VR)、人機介面與互動技術、計算機圖學、影像處理、電腦視覺、遊戲設計、電腦繪圖、3D 建模、3D動畫設計、互動藝術設計、數位媒體設計及元宇宙內容設計等。
  6. 可授課程:人工智慧、程式設計、電玩製作、網頁遊戲設計、網路資料庫系統、混合實境、展示科技應用、多媒體概論、人機互動、穿戴式科技設計、手機遊戲設計、跨媒體整合、數位影像處理、3D電腦動畫、電玩企劃以及手機介面設計等相關課程。
  7. 申請資料:

    徵聘教師基本資料表下載 (DOCX) (ODT)












    ※ 持國外學歷者,請另外檢附以下文件



  8. 申請日期:

    意者請備妥上述申請文件,並同時提供書面與電子檔(請整併為1個PDF檔,檔案太大可提供連結下載),書面資料請於11月15日收件截止前寄至:320315桃園市中壢區遠東路135號 元智大學資訊傳播學系收。請於信封袋上註明「應徵專任教師」,應徵資料恕不退還,恕不接受傳真。。

  9.  初審通過者,通知面試,未通過者不另通知。

  10. 聯絡方式:

    電話:886-3-463-8800分機 2641
    e-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它


Faculty Positions 

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor

The Department of Information Communication invites application for a faculty positions at all ranks, beginning in  February  2025. Applications are sought in the areas of multimedia technology, artificial intelligence generated content, augmented reality and virtual reality, human-machine interface and interactive technology, computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, digital learning, game design,  3D modeling, 3D animation design, interactive art design, and metaverse  design.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree and a strong commitment to excellent teaching and research. The Department of Information Communication offers BS/MS programs and provides an excellent research and teaching environment.

An application should include the following documents:

  • Cover Letter / Letter of Application
  • Application Form for Faculty Position (DOCX) (ODT)
  • YZU Faculty qualification form
  • Table of Foreign Degree Verification for Teacher's Qualification
  • Curriculum Vitae (with bio, educational background, outlining the applicant’s research agenda and teaching experiences)
  • A photocopy of the Ph.D. diploma*.
  • An original copy of the graduate school transcript for the highest degree*.
  • If with a teacher qualification certificate, please attach a copy of the certification.
  • The highest dissertation (please provide the original copy of the doctoral dissertation).
  • Publication list and provide 1~3 copies of selected publications.
  • Research Statement with list of research grants (past or on-going projects).
  • Teaching Statement (includes the subjects that can be taught. If with teaching experience, please provide teaching evaluation or questionnaire).
  • Two recommendation letters (also provides the recommenders and contact information).
  • Any other supporting materials

*(If hold foreign education, please attach the graduation certificate certified by the Embassies and Missions)

An application will be processed immediately upon being received. Please send your application to the following address or e-mail your application with a subject “Application for Faculty Position” to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 by November 15, 2024

Faculty Recruiting Committee
Department of Information Communication
Yuan Ze University
No. 135, Yuandong Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320315 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: +886-3-4638800 ext. 2641
Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Web site: http://infocom.yzu.edu.tw