
2022-2023 程式設計遊戲中基於子目標狀態之數位導師的設計與評估

2020-2022 視覺化程式除錯遊戲之設計與評估

2018-2019 視覺化程式設計環境下自動評量機制與自我調整學習輔助之設計與評估

2017-2018 基於概念性模型之視覺化程式模擬與程式設計問題解決遊戲之設計與評估

2014-2017 合作學習馬賽克遊樂場--合作學習馬賽克遊樂場:在課堂中的情境學習

2014-2016 遊戲式程式設計策略學習環境之開發與評估

2013-2013 合作學習遊樂場:經由情境體驗的學習(單一整合型計畫)--合作學習遊樂場:經由情境體驗的學習

2013-2014 結合程式設計方案與案例式推論以輔助程式問題解決學習:輔助機制之開發與研究

2012-2013 孩童的電子圖書館:閱讀環境、閱讀社群與閱讀行為(單一整合型計畫)--孩童的電子圖書館:閱讀環境、閱讀社群與閱讀行為

2012-2012 教室內的學習遊樂場-建立可體驗知識的真實性學習環境(單一整合型計畫)--教室內的學習遊樂場-建立可體驗知識的真實性學習環境(3/3)

2011-2012 結合紙本教科書之行動式目標導向學習支援系統

2011-2012 基於人工智慧之合作學習輔助系統--基於人工智慧之合作學習輔助系統

2010-2011 研發行動學習導向之問題管理系統:學生追蹤與監控課堂學習之理解性問題



2022 探討影響使用者接受和使用數位學習系統的關鍵因素─以印尼為例

2019 程式學習桌上遊戲與學習活動之設計與評估

2018 程式問題解決歷程之視覺化與評量

2016 基於模擬之視覺化程式設計範例學習

2014 故事結構教學對孩童使用圖像化關鍵字查詢介面上搜尋策略之影響

2014 筆記分享與收集對於知識建構的影響

2014 機器人農場:結合問題解決與視覺化模擬之程式設計學習環境

2014 促進問答與監控理解的問題管理系統

2013 圖像關鍵字查詢介面對孩童在數位故事繪本搜尋策略之影響

2013 透過網路論壇解決問題促進潛在幫助者投入



  1. Liu, C.-C., Yang, C.-Y, Chao, P.-Y.* (2019). A longitudinal analysis of student participation in adigital collaborative storytelling activity. Educational Technology Research and Development. 67, 907-929. (SSCI, IF = 2.115). 本人為通訊作者
  2. Chao, P.-Y., Lai*, K. R., Liu, C.-C., Lin, H.-M. (2018). Strengthening social networks in online discussion forums to facilitate help seeking for solving problems. Educational Technology & Society. 21(4), 39-50. (SSCI, IF = 1.584). 本人為第一作者
  3. Chou, C.-Y., Lai*, K. R., Chao, P.-Y., Tseng, S.-F., Liao, T.-Y. (2018). A negotiation-based adaptive learning system for regulating help seeking behaviors. Computers & Education, 126, 115-128. (SSCI,IF = 4.538).
  4. Chou, C.-Y., Tseng, S.-F., Wang, C.-J., Chao, P.-Y., Chen, Z.-H., Lai, K. R., Chan, C.-L., Yu, L.-C. (2018). Learning analytics on graduates’ academic records to reflect on a competency‐based curriculum. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26(6), 2168-2182. (SCIE, IF = 1.153).
  5. Yu, L.C., Lee, C.W., Pan, H.I., Chou, C.Y., Chao, P.Y., Chen, Z.H., Tseng, S.F., Chan, C.L., Lai, K.R. (2018). Improving early prediction of academic failure using sentiment analysis on self‐evaluated comments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(4), 358-365. (SSCI, IF = 1.253)
  6. Chang, C. J.*, Chang, M. H, Liu, C. C., Chiu, B. C., Chiang, S.H.F., Wen, C.T., Hwang, F.-K., Chao, P.Y., Chen, Y.-L., Chai, C. S. (2017). An analysis of collaborative problem‐solving activities mediated by individual‐based and collaborative computer simulations. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33(6), 649-662. (SSCI, IF = 1.253)
  7. Chang, C.-J*., Chang, M.-H., Chiu, B.-C., Liu, C.-C., Fan Chiang, S.-H., Wen, C.-T., Hwang, F.-K., Wu, Y.-T., Chao, P.-Y., Lai, C.-H., Wu, S.-W., Chang, C.-K., Chen, W. (2017). An analysis of student collaborative problem solving activities mediated by collaborative simulations. Computers & Education, 114, 222-235. (SSCI, IF = 3.819)
  8. Chou, C.-Y.*, Tseng, S.-F., Chih, W.-C., Chen, Z.-H., Chao, P.-Y., Lai, K. R., Chan, C.-L., Yu, L.-C., & Lin, Y.-L. (2017). Open student models of core competencies at the curriculum level: using learning analytics for student reflection. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 5(1), 32-44. (SCIE, IF = 3.826)
  9. Chao, P.-Y.*, Lin, C.-C., & Wu, M.-S. (2017). Employing a visualized searching system to assist elementary tudents’ tactics and success of storybook searching. Online Information Review, 41(3), 412-427. (SSCI, IF = 1.152). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  10. Chao, P.-Y.* (2016). Exploring students' computational practice, design and performance of problemsolving through a visual programming environment. Computers & Education, 95, 202-215. (SSCI, IF = 4.538). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  11. Chou, C.-Y., Lai, K.R.*, Chao, P.-Y., Lan, C.-H., & Chen, T.-H. (2015). Negotiation based adaptive learning sequences: Combining adaptivity and adaptability. Computers & Education, 88, 215-226. (SSCI, IF = 2.881).
  12. Chao, P.-Y.*, & Lin, C.-C. (2015, Aug). Young children’s storybook searching with a visualized search interface. The Electronic Library, 33(4), 610-624. (SSCI, IF = 0.436). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  13. Liu, C.-C, Lin, C.-C.*, Chang, C.-Y. & Chao, P.-Y. (2014). Knowledge sharing among university students facilitated with a creative commons licensing mechanism: a case study in a programming course. Educational Technology & Society, 17(3), 154-167. (SSCI, IF = 1.108).
  14. Chen, G.-D., Nurkhamid*, Wang, C.-Y., Yang, S.-H., & Chao, P.-Y. (2014). Self-observation model employing an instinctive interface for classroom active learning. Educational Technology & Society, 17(3), 14-26. (SSCI, IF = 1.108).
  15. Chen, Z.-H.*, Chao, P.-Y., Hsu, M.-C., & Teng, C.-H. (2013). Level up, My-Pet: the effects of levelup mechanism of educational agents on student learning. Educational Technology & Society, 16 (4), 111–121. (SSCI, IF = 0.824).
  16. Chen, G.-D., Lee, J.-H.*, Wang, C.-Y., Chao, P.-Y., Li, L.-Y., & Lee, T.-Y. (2012). An empathic avatar in a computer-aided learning program to encourage and persuade learners. Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 62-72. (SSCI, IF = 1.171).
  17. Chao, P.-Y., Chen, G.-D.*, & Chang, C.-W. (2010). Developing a cross-media system to facilitate question-driven digital annotations on paper textbooks. Educational Technology & Society, 13(4), 38-a49. (SSCI, IF = 1.066). 本人為第一作者.



  1. Lin, C.-C., Lin, E.-T., Tzeng, H.-L., Chao, P.-Y., (2018). A Tree-Based Chart for Visualizing
    Programming for Problem Solving. Workshop on STEAM Education and Computational Thinking of the First International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3). Japan.
  2. Chao, P.-Y., Yu-Ju Chen* (2017). Exploring the role of visual programming activities in computational In Proceedings of the Seventh Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2017). Japan.
  3. Hu, Y.-J., & Chao, P.-Y.* (2015). A simulation-based learning environment for learning debugging. In Ogata et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2015). China: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
  4. Chao, P.-Y., & Hu, Y.-J.* (2015). An Interactive Example for Game-Based Programming Environment. In Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2015). Japan.
  5. Chao, P.-Y.* (2014). A game-based learning environment for programming strategies. In Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2014). Japan.
  6. Tseng, S.-F., Chou, C.-Y., Chen, Z.-H., & Chao, P.-Y.* (2014). Learning Analytics: An Enabler for Dropout Prediction. In Workshop Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Computer in Education (ICCE 2014). Japan.
  7. Chao, P.-Y.*, Ling, H.-Y., & Liu, B.-J. (2011, Nov). A phone-based question management system to facilitate questioning and comprehension monitoring. In Workshop Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer in Education (ICCE 2014). Thailand.
  8. Wu, M.-S., & Chao, P.-Y.* (2013, Apr). Influence of icon-keyword search interface on young children’s storybook search strategies. In Proceedings of the Third Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2013). Japan.
  9. 趙伯堯, 張家榮 (2021). 視覺化程式除錯遊戲中學生的表現與行為. 台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2021 年國際學術研討會. 台灣.
  10. 趙伯堯, 文佳麗 (2020). 視覺化程式除錯遊戲設計. 台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2020 年國際學術研討會. 台灣.
  11. 趙伯堯, 余崇嘉, 吳穎沺(2019)。視覺化程式追蹤學習環境之設計與評估。The 23rd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2019) 全球華人計算機教育應用大會。
  12. 林友信, 趙伯堯(2018)。程式設計教學教具與遊戲式學習活動之 設計與評估。自由軟體與教育科技研討會。
  13. 施履安, 趙伯堯(2013)。以模擬為基礎的程式學習環境:機器人農場。第九屆數位內容國際研討會。
  14. 趙伯堯,劉晨鐘,曾瑞敏,林佳慶(2013)。腦推薦概念在概念產生與探 索程序上之影響。CSCL & CSPL 2013。